Heating & Cooling

Heat Pump Rebates

Princeton Municipal Light Department (PMLD) offers rebates on heat pump systems. Refer to the tables below to see if your heating or cooling system qualifies. Click the “Submit Online Application” link or download the mail-in application to see the full range of options and get started. PMLD also offers rebates on Wi-Fi thermostats/Smart HVAC Controls through its Appliance Rebate program. Please note that all heat pumps must be installed by a MA licensed contractor in order to be eligible for a rebate.

Air Source Heat Pump≥15.2N/A≥8.1N/A$500/ton
Ground Source Heat PumpN/A≥19.2N/A≥3.5$750/ton

*Limit of three tons of heat pumps per year. SEER=Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, EER= Energy Efficiency Ratio (measures instantaneous cooling efficiency), HSPF= Heating Seasonal Performance Factor, COP= Coefficient of Performance

Massachusetts provides a sales tax exemption on the purchase of heat pump systems. For more information, consult your local tax expert.

Home Efficiency Rebates

PMLD offers Home Efficiency rebates on efficient home upgrades such as insulation and duct sealing. Refer to the table below to see if your home efficiency measures qualify. Click the “Submit Online Application” link or download the mail-in application to see the full range of options and get started.

*Home EfficiencyRebate
Blower Door Test & Air Sealing50% of purchase price up to a maximum rebate of $500
Insulation50% of purchase price up to a maximum rebate of $500
Duct Sealing50% of purchase price up to a maximum rebate of $500

*Post-installation inspections are required to receive rebates. Call 888-333-7525 to schedule an inspection.